Community Allotment
Dig It Community Allotment is located in Saffron Walden and delivers weekly gardening activities to various service user groups
How you can help
If you are interested in joining our group as a volunteer and would like more information please email or give us a call at 07835 960465

Donations are always welcome to our charity. Thank you for your support!

What we do to help

Dig It Community Allotment has been a registered charity in Saffron Walden since 2014.

Dig It offers service users the opportunity to take part in activities around gardening, woodwork and site maintenance. Our calm and inclusive setting provides people with a chance to enjoy the outdoors and socialise in their local community.

You can help, in your way

Who we are

Dig It Community Allotment has been a registered charity in Saffron Walden since 2014. Dig It encourages activity, healthy lifestyles and peer support.

Our Projects

We run 2 Open to All sessions on Monday and Thursday’s and other additional specialist sessions.

How you can help

If you are interested in joining our group as a volunteer and would like more information please email or give us a call at 07850 080869